Sharing faith, hope and love

The purpose of our association is to promote safe educational institutions throughout Bagam. At almost all government schools, many classrooms are currently out of order because they have become completely unsuitable. The classrooms that are still available have leaking roofs and do not have enough capacity to accommodate all the students. Especially during the rainy season, it is a big challenge for teachers and students to stay in the classrooms. It drips in several places and everyone tries to secure a spot in the dry. In addition, we want to equip the schools with sanitation and drinking water facilities, as in Bagam drinking water currently only comes directly from rain or rivers, which leads to diseases. Providing school materials and furniture are also part of our tasks.


We work together with the village elite as well as the parents' council. In addition, a well-known construction company supports us on site. We also personally accompany our projects with visits, which are financed 100% from our own funds. All supporters work on a voluntary basis, the construction company is paid according to its construction work based on the rates applicable in Cameroon. In this way, we ensure that 100% of all donations benefit the children.